February 13, 2013 By Paul Wallin

Under California Family Code section 2010, the court has the power to determine the division of property between the parties. To decide how to divide your property, the court will first look to see if the property is community or separate property.

To determine what kind of property you have, the court will require that you file a declaration of disclosure under Family Code section 2013. In this disclosure, you will tell the court all of your assets and debts and whether or not they are community or separate property.

Your ex-spouse will also provide the court with a declaration of disclosure. Based on these disclosures, the court will decide what kind of property you both have and how it should be divided.

If you and your ex-spouse cannot agree how the community should be divided, under section 2550, the court will divide the community property equally between the parties.

Dividing assets between you and your ex-spouse can be stressful and emotional for you and your family.

A competent family law lawyer can change the way you feel about your divorce proceeding. You want a law firm that will make this unhappy time less stressful for you.

Wallin & Klarich has helped people obtain positive outcomes in division of property cases for over thirty years. If you need help dividing your property or have any questions about your divorce, you need to speak with an attorney from Wallin & Klarich.

We understand how property law works in California and are knowledgeable about divorce proceedings. The attorneys at Wallin & Klarich are committed to representing our clients.

Call us today at (888) 749-7428. We will be there when you call.

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