Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Restraining Orders
California Restraining Orders: FAQ
If you are involved in a situation that necessitates the use of restraining orders, there is no doubt that you have numerous questions that need to be answered. Although your restraining order lawyer can answer each question in detail, below is a list of frequently asked questions with their answers.
How old do I need to be to get a restraining order?
You need to be at least 14 years old to get a restraining order.
How long does it take to get a restraining order? Can I get one today?
Once you or your lawyer applies for a restraining order, the judge has two business days to decide whether to grant your request for protection. If the judge grants your request, you will get a temporary restraining order that lasts for up to three weeks, until your hearing in court. The court will decide if a permanent restraining order will be issued at the court hearing.
How much will it cost to get a restraining order?
You do not have to pay any court fees to get a restraining order.
Do I have to go to court in order to get a restraining order?
Yes. You will have to go to court to file a request for a restraining order. You will also have to attend a hearing, in person, where the other person may also be present. However you do not need to do either of these things alone; you can go to court and to the hearing with your attorney.
What if the judge does not grant my request for a restraining order?
If the judge does not grant your request for a restraining order, there may be other types of emergency orders that can help you. You will need to consult with your restraining order attorney to determine what is appropriate for your specific situation.
Call Wallin & Klarich Today
In order to obtain the proper type of restraining order for your specific situation, it is best to obtain the legal advice and counsel of an experienced law firm At Wallin & Klarich, our attorneys will ensure that all necessary documentation is filed appropriately with the court and that the best possible evidence is presented before the judge to obtain a valid and effective restraining order.
With offices located in Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, Torrance, Orange County, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, West Covina and Victorville, there is an experienced Wallin & Klarich criminal defense attorney available to help you no matter where you work or live.
Call (888) 749-7428 or fill out our online consultation form to get in contact with a legal professional today.