Have you ever wondered how all social media websites and smartphone apps are actually impacting our lives? An innocent “like” or “tweet” here and there seems safe enough, but a University of Missouri study made a startling discovery. The results of that study, which were published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, showed that frequent Twitter use can dangerously affect romantic relationships.1
As part of the study, 581 Twitter uses between the ages of 18 and 67 volunteered for a 20-question online survey. The questions related to each participant’s Twitter use and relationship status. It also asked if they had been in any Twitter-related conflicts with their romantic partner.
The results showed that increased Twitter usage is linked to negative outcomes such as cheating, break ups and divorce.
The author of this study concluded social media users should cut back. These sites should be used only moderately, and couples should discuss how much they want to use them. He also noted that some couples have used joint social media accounts and this has reduced conflict.
Social Media in The Family Law Court
It is important to know that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms can be used against you in any family law court case. Social media puts our privacy at risk, and the courts are fully aware of this. They can track your posts and messages on social media sites to obtain useful information for legal cases.2
A New York City woman was getting $850 a month in spousal support because she claimed to be disabled. Because of her supposed disability, she was unable to work, and her ex-husband was ordered to make these monthly payments. However evidence pulled from Facebook showed that she was not disabled. In fact, she was earning income as a belly dancer at the time. Her spousal support payments were reduced to $400 a month.3
A judge ordered another couple to give their Facebook passwords to the opposing counsel in their divorce proceedings. Stephen Gallion claimed that he had seen things on the ex-couple’s shared computer that might indicate that Courtney Gallion was unfaithful.4 The court also demanded that neither party change their password during the course of the case.
Call the Divorce Lawyers at Wallin & Klarich Today
These are just some of the many cases in which couples going through a divorce were required to show the court their social media activity. With the way social media has expanded in recent years, it is important that you speak to an experienced California divorce lawyer to help you. Divorce cases can be very stressful and will put a strain on your family’s time and resources. With over 30 years of experience in divorce cases, our Wallin and Klarich attorneys can help you get the best possible outcome in your case.
With offices located in Orange County, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Torrance, Riverside, West Covina, Victorville, Ventura, San Diego and Sherman Oaks, our knowledgeable family law attorneys are always available to help you.
Call us today at (888) 749-7428 for a free phone consultation or visit www.wkfamilylaw.com. We will get through this together.
1. http://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/twitter-use-linked-to-cheating-divorce-study-1.1764722↩
2. http://apps.calbar.ca.gov/mcleselfstudy/mcle_home.aspx?testID=61↩
3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/17/belly-dancing-sinks-nyc-w_n_850171.html↩
3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2062398/Judge-Kenneth-Shluger-orders-Stephen-Courtney-Gallion-swap-Facebook-logins.html↩