Juvenile Dependency Court is the court that hears cases regarding abuse and neglect of children in the Inland Empire. The Juvenile Dependency Court is responsible for the protection of these children and all decisions in the court are made with the well being of the juvenile in mind. Whenever possible, the court will attempt to keep families together, as it is widely acknowledged that children are happiest when they are with their true families. It is usually only in circumstances where safety is a concern that the Juvenile Dependency Court will separate a family.
The Juvenile Dependency Court Process
In the Inland Empire, the Juvenile Dependency Court process usually begins with a report to social services about the safety of a child. A social worker will have to investigate the claim, and give their opinion to the court if the child is in any type of danger. They may be placed into a shelter or foster care facility if the social worker finds that the child:
- Wasn’t well taken care of or watched over;
- Was neglected, abused, or molested; or
- Was left with someone who didn’t take good care of them.
In some instances, the child can also be sent to the other parent’s home or to live with a family member. This is usually up to the social worker in charge of the case and the court.
If the social worker has determined that neglect exists and they decide to remove the child from their home, they have 2 days to file a petition with the court that the child become a “dependent of the court”. If the child isn’t taken away, the social worker has more time to file.
Call the Juvenile Dependency Lawyers Wallin & Klarich Today
Juvenile Dependency Court proceedings are extremely important, affecting every part of your child’s and your own future. With Wallin & Klarich on your side, you can rest assured that your skilled Inland Empire family law attorney is working hard to get the best possible outcome for you and your family. We have more than 30 years of experience in divorce, child custody and juvenile dependency family law matters in the Inland Empire. With offices in several locations throughout San Bernardino and Riverside counties, we can help you no matter where you are located. Call us today at (888) 749-7428 for a free telephone consultation.
Source article:http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/family/juv/
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